Law Articles

Incapacitated Person's Estate g kouzalic llc cyprus paralimni larnaca nicosia limassol paphos

Appointment of Administrator for the Management of an Incapacitated Person’s Estate Kouzalis Law Firm informs you that in Cyprus, the management of the estate of an incapacitated person. Further, this is an important legal process that focus on protecting the interests of the incapacitated individual. Also, ensuring their well-being. According to Cypriot legislation, specifically the […]

Child Maintenance Legal Obligation g kouzalic llc cyprus paralimni larnaca nicosia limassol paphos

Legal Obligation of Parents for Child Maintenance The law firm G Kouzalis LLC informs you that in Cyprus. The legal obligation for child maintenance will determine by the Law on Parental Responsibility . Also, Children’s Affairs of 1990 (Law 216/1990). Firstly, ccording to the relevant Cypriot legislation, parents are obliged to provide maintenance to their […]


Electric Collar for Dogs Law Cyprus Lawyers, G. Kouzalis LLC, would like to inform you that the life of a dog wearing an electric collar for Dogs is in danger. Furthermore, what does the law provide? Also, the dog will rescue by volunteers, whose life is in danger and is wearing an electric collar. Ban […]

Common Excuses Statements for Not Paying Communal Fees law cyprus g kouzalis llc

Common Excuses / for Not Paying Communal Fees G Kouzalis LLC is an international lawfirm, who specialize in Cyprus Committees and communal issues. Our qualified, bilingual staff have extensive training and experience in dealing with Cyprus common issues. Also,we would like to take this opportunity to inform you about some of the statements we have […]

Powers of Cyprus Management Committee A Cyprus Management Committee of Apartment Building may Sue and be Sued but does not Act as a Private Prosecutor g kouzalis law cyprus

Powers of Cyprus Management Committee A Cyprus Management Committee of Apartment Building may Sue and be Sued but does not Act as a Private Prosecutor. In this article, Cyprus property Lawyers,  G Kouzalis LLC will explain about the powers. Also, the responsibilities of the Cyprus Management Committee. Legal powers and responsibilities of a Cyprus Management […]

The importance of depositing a Sales or Purchase Agreement law cyprus g kouzalis llc paralimni

The importance of depositing a Sales or Purchase Agreement at the District Land Registry and Cadastral Survey Department of Cyprus The Law Firm of G. Kouzalis LLC informs you that depositing a Sales or Purchase Agreement at the District Land Registry. Also, at Cadastral Survey Department of Cyprus has significant positive implications and provides protection […]