Company formation:
Are you a business owner? Do you have your own company?
Have you proceeded to legally form your company within the laws of the republic of Cyprus?
If the answer to the above is NO, …we at G. Kouzalis LLC, can help you.
Our office specializes in the official formation of companies, and we are on hand to assist and guide you throughout the entire process, from choosing your company name, to appointing the directors and shareholders we are here for you.
Cyprus is still considered to be one of the best EU (but simultaneously) offshore jurisdiction, where the tax system favorites the creation of companies. Once your company is formed, we can assist you with an accountancy firm, to produce your accounts, file your tax returns and much much more.
If you have a company and need to change; the shareholders / director/ address, we can assist you. If you need further assistance for company disputes, we are here for you.
For more information on how we can help you please contact us