European Union – What is its Function and how does it Affect Cyprus Law?

Many of our readers residing in the European Union may not be aware of the reason of the organisation’s existence. Also, how it affects us in Cyprus. G Kouzalis LLC, your Cyprus International Lawyer, would like to clarify what the European Union (EU) is. Further, its function and the bearing it has on Cyprus law.

History behind European Union

Firstly, it is important to understand the history behind the formation of the EU. Following the end of the Second World War, the leaders of Western Europe focus on maintaining peace in the European political sphere. Also, establishing long-lasting political and economic ties between their continental counterparts. The first step to achieve this was the French Foreign Minister Robert Schuman’s plan for closer cooperation in Europe. Furthermore, crucially proposing a merge of the Western European coal and steel industries. On this basis, the Treaty of Paris sign in April 1951 by West Germany, France. Also, Italy, the Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg, creating the European Coal. Further, Steel Community (ECSC) in 1952.


The ECSC was a resounding success. Also, this share socioeconomic success further with the signing of the Treaties of Rome in 1957. The Treaties establish the European Economic Community (EEC). Further, the European Atomic Energy Community (Euratom). Also, expanding their economic cooperation to other sectors. Finally, with the signing of the Maastricht Treaty in 1992. Also, the European Union was formally establish in 1993, with the aims of upholding peace and the human rights of EU citizens.

European countries of European Union

The European Union contains 27 European countries. Further, is an organisation with numerous vital roles and responsibilities. The EU’s values are very broad, however, their main aims involve ensuring peace in Europe. Also, ensuring that all citizens treat equally and fairly with safeguard human rights. Further, maintaining economic stability in Europe through the free trade and movement of goods between member states. Furthermore, free movement across the EU for its citizens. Also, the promotion of respect for European cultures and languages. Finally, a share, strong currency. Since its establishment, European Union countries have largely remained stable. Further, conflict-free through increased diplomatic ties between member states. Also, with the EU winning a Nobel Peace Prize in 2012 as a result.

Free Movement in European Union

Moreover, the European Union allows freer movement through European Union countries for people living in the EU, rendering travelling or gaining residency to an EU country much simpler, and making tuition fees for EU students in Europe significantly cheaper. Economically, the EU aims to create an internal market with price stability and a competitive market economy, leading to sustained economic growth in Europe. The policies and laws in the EU are typically produced by the European Parliament (representing the citizens), the Council of the European Union (representing the governments) and the European Commission (which works in conjunction with the EU’s overall needs).

Cyprus Law Effection

With regards to the EU’s effect on Cyprus law, the European Union has maintained legal supremacy over Cypriot law since the country’s entrance to the organisation in 2004. Thus, a significant part of Cypriot law had to be altered to be in accordance with EU law, which was enacted through the Fifth Amendment of the Constitution Law of 2006. As a result, all Cypriot citizens are now EU citizens and can travel within the EU more freely and now have the EU to preside over their human rights. For the country itself, Cyprus now uses the Euro, benefits from EU aid and investment and is assisted by the EU with the preservation of its cultural heritage sites.


In conclusion, the European Union has maintained peace within its member state countries, has created a stable economic environment conducive for trade in Europe and maintains the integral civil liberties of its citizens. EU law holds supremacy over national Cypriot law; therefore, changes have been made to Cypriot law to align with EU Law. Since joining the European Union, both Cyprus and Cypriot citizens experience the many benefits of EU citizenship.

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