Once you have purchased a property in Cyprus, one of the most important things that you need to do is to ensure that you make a Cyprus Will.
The laws of succession in Cyprus differ from the Laws of succession worldwide, therefore to ensure that your estate in Cyprus passes to your beneficiaries according to your wishes you should make a Cyprus Will.
Your Cyprus lawyer can help you prepare your Cyprus will according to your wishes.
The basic documents which you will need to make your Cyprus Will are as follows:
Copy of your passport
Details of your beneficiaries:
- Copy of their passport
- Proof of their residential address
- Contact information for them {email / telephone}
You should inform your Cyprus Lawyer, of your wishes as to how your estate should be administered, and they will prepare your will ensuring that the law is followed and your wishes are adhered to.
Your Cyprus will is then completed and executed.
A copy of this should be kept with your important documents along with the contact details of the administrator of your Cyprus estate to ensure that in the event the Cyprus Will needs to be executed your beneficiaries know who to contact.